How to Pray Through Scripture

Do you feel intimidated by the Bible? Does it seem more foreign to your heart than aligned? I feel ya!

Let me simplify the Bible & help make it a little less scary… First of all, much of scripture IS a prayer! One of many examples is in Acts 4 when the early church quotes Psalms in a prayer! I just think that’s the most amazing thing! But I’m a dork… Hey, who wants to learn Latin?

Lectio Divina – “Divine Reading”

Lectio Divina (pronounced Lek-tio Div-ee-nah) is an ancient monastic practice – monastic meaning monks. I love learning about monks. Did I mention I’m a dork?

To begin, by reading one or a few Bible verses  SLOWLY and truly meditating with it. It’s not just reading scripture – it’s 

READ: Slowly read aloud the verse or passage you’re looking at.

MEDITATE: Reflect on the meaning. Focus on your breath in between moments when you’re focusing on the verse. Be still. Truly still.

PRAY: If we don’t form the habit of praying the scriptures, our prayers will grow stale.

CONTEMPLATE: What did you learn? What does God want from you? What has God done for you? The Bible either reveals something about God, what God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit has done, or what God expects from us (so we can ask Him for help or confess our sins). What is He calling you to do with what you’ve read?

Let the Bible become the living word as you meditate.

Okay Heather but what about verses that aren’t beautifully written or about something depressing/weird? 

No matter how dull or seemingly pointless a Bible verse may seem (Leviticus, I’m looking at you, bro), read the whole chapter to gain a better understanding of the context. Wait a few minutes after reading the scripture you’re on. Meditate again. Wait on Jesus to reveal what He wants to reveal. If you get nothing (and many times you will), don’t give up! Some of my favorite God moments happen DAYS or WEEKS after I’m in prayer. Heck, most recently it happened driving listening to a song! Remember, we are on God’s time, He’s not on ours. Our time is impatient. Our time wavers from focusing on the past one day, then in the future the next day… God’s timing is perfect & in the present.

Hope this helps! Seriously, don’t overthink it! 

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